Consultancy Services

Consultancy Services

Matog Consultancy offer Business Consultancy/ Change Management in Lagos, Nigeria.

The Services we render includes:

  • Business Analysis
  • Business continuity
  • Organization development
  • Business consultancy
  • Business processes
  • Research and needs analysis
  • Change of management
  • Business architecture
  • Statistical analysis
  • Knowledge management
  • Evaluation services
  • Information/ record-keeping management
  • Performance measurement
  • Subject matter
  • Facilitating services

Business Analysis

The required services as a business analyst includes:

  • Advising Senior Management on a range of issues affecting the organization’s ability to achieve the project’s business objectives.
  • Identifying opportunities for organizational improvement
  • Assisting in the prioritization and assignment of organizational improvements
  • Developing and/or implementing an organizational improvement plan, business plan, policies and standards.
  • Making recommendations and providing advice for improvements and assisting in developing solutions, scenarios and implementing recommendations
  • Preparing and presenting findings, status and other relevant matters
  • Collecting and analyzing information and presenting findings on complex issues, carrying out or coordinating research as required and preparing reports
  • Identifying and researching best practices
  • Processing problems into solutions or new opportunities/initiatives
  • Analyzing, advising on, and implementing business processes, strategies and functions.
  • Advising on business decisions
  • Preparing and advising on contracts structure and enforcement.
  • Leading and managing various business systems and process improvements (for example, initiating redesign to promote increased efficiencies and reduce overall costs, implementing improvements to automation of process).
  • Recognizing market factors and adapting business decisions to the context of the organization’s sector and industry.
  • Implementing and advising on measures to mitigate risk.
  • Facilitating Joint Application Development (JAD) session and acting as facilitator during workshops.
  • Translating the business requirements into System/Functional requirements
  • Analyzing and documenting the business requirements and delivering work products through the life cycle.
  • Assessing the organization’s capacity/capability to undertake and successfully deliver to an initiative or a change.
  • Consulting stakeholders (individually or by means of facilitating group sessions) to identify comprehensive business requirements.

Business Continuity

Some of the required services includes the following:

  • Designing and conducting threat and risk assessments
  • Developing and implementing disaster recovery plans and business continuity plans
  • Designing exercises for executives, management and staff in the form of exercise seminars, tabletop exercises, command post exercises, simulations and/or full-scale exercises
  • Developing exercise materials such as exercise scenarios, control plans and evaluation plans
  • Implementing exercises for executives, management and staff
  • Performing business continuity in the context of strategic planning, policy and standards development and organizational assessment
  • Analyzing and evaluating emergency operations, exercises, conducting lessons learned seminars and writing After-Action Reports

Organization Development

Some of the required services includes the following:

  • Assessing the organization’s capacity/capability to undertake and successfully deliver a project, an initiative or a change in the context of the existing organizational environment, programs, and policies
  • Advising Senior Management on a range of issues affecting the organization’s ability to achieve a program or project’s objectives
  • Establishing a set of business rules and policies governing an organization’s human resource management arrangements
  • Assessing existing and planned changes in Human Resources (HR) management strategies to ensure consistency between an organization’s HR (Human Resources) management strategies and government-wide strategies
  • Designing processes to regularly review and revise existing accountabilities and competencies as the organization evolves
  • Performing system-centered process mapping to define the structure of organizational processes: including definition of activities to be performed, required inputs, outputs to be produced, and framework within which to operate
  • Defining potential organizational changes and improvements based on an organization’s strategy and values
  • Developing and/or implementing organizational change and improvement plan including identifying organizational changes and improvements, and prioritization of recommended improvements
  • Using the appropriate organizational development methodology and approach to assessment and intervention
  • Prototyping potential solutions, scenarios, providing trade off information and suggesting a recommended course of action on organizational improvements/changes
  • Providing advice on and/or assisting in implementing organizational changes and improvements.

Business Consultancy

Some of the required services includes:

  • Specifying the organization’s objectives, developing policies, standards and plans to achieve objectives
  • Advising Senior Management on a range of issues affecting the organization’s ability to achieve the business objectives
  • Identifying opportunities for, assisting in the prioritization of, and assignment of organizational improvement
  • Developing and/or managing the implementation of an organizational improvement plan to identify, analyze, plan, track and control organizational improvements on a continuous basis
  • Making recommendations and providing advice for improvements and assisting in developing solutions and implementing recommendations
  • Collecting and analyzing information and presenting findings on complex issues, carrying out or coordinating research as required and preparing reports
  • Defining and producing business requirement document
  • Coaching on business.

Business processes

Some of the required services includes:

  • Reviewing existing work processes and organizational structure
  • Analyzing existing business processes, identifying opportunities for process improvements
  • Mapping existing processes and developing and mapping recommended new processes, changes
  • Analyzing business functional requirements to identify information, procedures and decision flows
  • Providing advice on key initiatives that enable the organization to deploy high-impact business processes that are focused, accountable and measurable
  • Identifying candidate processes for re-design
  • Prototyping potential solutions, scenarios, providing trade off information and suggesting a recommended course of action
  • Providing advice in defining new requirements and opportunities for applying efficient and effective solutions
  • Identifying and providing preliminary costs of potential options
  • Providing advice in developing and integrating process and information models between processes to eliminate information and process redundancies
  • Identifying, recommending and planning new processes
  • Providing advice on and/or assisting in implementing new processes
  • Identifying the required modifications to the automated processes
  • Documenting workflow
  • Using business, workflow and organizational tools
  • Developing policies, procedures and guidelines
  • Conducting reviews and developing implementation strategies
  • Advising HR (Human Resources) Systems groups and Information Technology (IT) groups on discipline requirements
  • Developing training and information sessions and mentoring on business processes
  • Analyzing and defining business processes related to both “As Is” and “To Be” status

Research/ Needs Analysis

Some of the required services includes:

  • Conducting interviews, surveys and workshops
  • Collecting, analyzing and synthesizing information that provides insight into best practices and lessons learned that would effectively support managing change
  • Performing analysis of business processes to recommend the best option to address any concerns, gaps, etc. (et cetera) including the potential risks and benefits
  • Providing input for the development of new processes
  • Carrying out analysis related to the development of business cases including the collection and analysis of cost data

Change of Management

Some of the required services includes:

  • Designing interventions aimed at improving organizational effectiveness through system centered change
  • Designing interventions that improve organizational effectiveness through people-centered change and result in: bringing about change, an improved environment, greater involvement and a more responsive workforce
  • Developing and implementing change management strategies, plans, framework
  • Identifying change management tools and risks
  • Providing expertise, consultative advice, guidance and coaching to build project capacity to make effective use of change management strategies and related tools
  • Articulating the purpose of change in a manner that makes sense to staff and provides a compelling picture of the new organization
  • Designing and conducting a change readiness assessment in order to plan and carry out a change management strategy
  • Coaching staff on the value of their contribution within the new organization
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the change management initiative
  • Developing performance measurement/evaluation frameworks
  • Integrating performance monitoring disciplines in an organization’s development or change management plan
  • Carrying out performance monitoring and reporting activities on change management

Business Architecture

Some of the required services includes:

  • Developing policies and rules that allow an organization to carry out its mandate and functional responsibilities, and that govern the organization’s actual and planned capabilities in terms of data, human resources, communication facilities and management responsibilities
  • Conducting an assessment of the project’s business architecture, process and performances
  • Recommending changes to improve operational performance
  • Ensuring consistency and integration with the organization’s and government architectures and business strategies
  • Evaluating the feasibility of the architecture and technologies related to a business change
  • Developing principles of operation and concept of operations
  • Identifying risks associated with the architecture and technologies and recommending risk mitigation
  • Advising Senior Management on trends and emerging technologies and their impact on the organization’s and government architectures and business strategies
  • Recommending alternative solutions, methodologies and strategies
  • Assisting in the prioritization and assignment of architectural improvements
  • Managing the development and implementation of an architectural improvement plan
  • Coaching, mentoring and training the organization on business architecture.

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Statistical Analysis

Some of the required services includes:

  • Reporting results of statistical analyses, including information in the form of graphs, charts, and tables
  • Processing large amounts of data for statistical modeling and graphic analysis, using computers
  • Identifying relationships and trends in data, as well as any factors that could affect the results of research
  • Analyzing and interpreting statistical data in order to identify significant differences in relationships among sources of information
  • Preparing estimates and forecasts using statistical techniques
  • Preparing data for processing by organizing information, checking for any inaccuracies, and adjusting and weighting the raw data
  • Evaluating the statistical methods and procedures used to obtain data in order to ensure validity, applicability, efficiency, and accuracy
  • Evaluating sources of information in order to determine any limitations in terms of reliability or usability
  • Planning data collection methods for specific projects, and determining the types and sizes of sample groups to be used
  • Designing research projects that apply valid scientific techniques and utilizing information obtained from baselines or historical data in order to structure uncompromised and efficient analyses

Knowledge Management

Some of the required services includes:

  • Developing, planning strategies and processes to transfer explicit and tacit knowledge across time, space and organizational change, including retrieval of critical archived information
  • Facilitating knowledge creation, sharing and reuse
  • Developing partnerships and alliances, designing creative knowledge spaces, and using incentive structures
  • Facilitating knowledge of learning styles and behaviours, strive for continuous improvement and be actively engaged in exploring new ideas and concepts
  • Designing, developing and sustaining communities of interest and practice
  • Creating, developing and sustaining the flow of knowledge, policies and standards
  • Understanding the breakthrough skills needed to leverage virtual teamwork and the effective use of social networks
  • Performing cultural and ethnographic analyses, developing knowledge taxonomies, facilitating knowledge audits, and performing knowledge mapping and needs assessments
  • Capturing, evaluating and using best-known practices to transfer best practices
  • Providing mentoring, training and coaching assistance on knowledge management
  • Moderating focus group/discussion
  • Consulting on group process
  • Developing research and implementation strategies for knowledge management, information management, document and records management and data management
  • Managing change knowledge initiatives and retrieval of critical archived information
  • Providing group problem solving and decision making
  • Providing strategic or participatory planning
  • Performing Team Building activities

Information/Records Management

Some of the required services includes:

  • Collecting, crating, receiving and/or capturing information
  • Organizing, using, and/or disseminating information
  • Maintaining, storing and/or preserving information
  • Disposing of information
  • Coordinating management of an organization’s information-based resources, including its information holdings and investment in technology
  • Planning, directing and controlling all of the organization’s information-based resources to meet corporate goals and to deliver programs and services
  • Coordinating of information storage requirements and interface with Information Technology
  • Providing document and records management
  • Coordinating Access to Information Act and Privacy Act requirements
  • Defining produce business requirement document
  • Conducting subject-specific research in the archival holdings of federal departments and agencies
  • Producing professional research reports based on detailed research into federal records
  • Developing, organizing, monitoring, conducting and reporting on sustained archival research projects
  • Identifying, classifying, archiving, preserving, and destroying records.
  • Responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including the processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records
  • Managing a library or a library service
  • Cataloguing, indexing and classifying information audio-visual and electronic documents
  • Organizing and maintaining “virtual” services
  • Establishing and implementing metadata standards and guidelines
  • Analyzing and reporting on the effectiveness of the implementation of information management standards
  • Identifying and analyzing content management issues and providing recommendations to management for improvement
  • Delivering research and reference services
  • Searching online systems and the web to find information
  • Delivering library services
  • Provide advice and guidance in the field of Recordkeeping as relates to Capacity Building,
  • Legacy Records Management and e-Records Sustainability
  • Provide advice and guidance in the field of Recordkeeping as relates to the implementation of Recordkeeping policy, regulations and legal requirements
  • Provide assistance in the monitory and evaluation of the Recordkeeping policies and regulations.


Some of the required services includes:

  • Assessing the readiness of a policy, program or initiative to be evaluated.
  • Planning specific evaluations or related studies of individual or clusters of programs, policies or initiatives.
  • Developing terms of reference for evaluation projects.
  • Preparing logic models, program theories/theories of change or assessment tools
  • Constructing work plans, including evaluation planning reports or frameworks and associated methodologies.
  • Developing, testing and implementing evaluation methods and data collection tools (including surveys, interview guides, focus group discussions, case studies).
  • Collecting and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data (including socio-economic and statistical analysis, collecting baseline data, conducting impact analysis).
  • Assessing the relevance and performance (including impact, efficiency and cost effectiveness) of programs, policies or initiatives.
  • Validating evaluation approaches, methodologies, findings, conclusions and recommendations, using methods such as but not limited to: validation with participants, organizations and conduct of expert panels or peer reviews.
  • Developing evaluation reports or associated products (briefing note, deck, technical report) containing findings, conclusions and recommendations, and undertake report validation and consultations where appropriate and requested.
  • Conducting and writing synthesis or meta-evaluations.
  • Aid in the compilation, analysis and dissemination of findings, lessons learned and best practices.
  • Briefing evaluation staff and program management on major results and findings, including preparation of presentations.
  • Aid in writing other materials, documents, tools and instruments related to the work.

Performance Measurement

Some of the required services includes:

  • Planning and designing performance measurement frameworks in support of departmental
  • Strategic Outcomes and Program Activity Architectures or performance measurement strategies in support of program monitoring and evaluations, including identifying associated performance measures in accordance with Treasury Board policies and Treasury Board Secretariat guidance and directives
  • Assessing the adequacy of current performance measurement frameworks and performance measures in federal organizations and the capacity of organizations to create and maintain on-going performance measurement systems at the level of the organization as a whole or at the program, initiative or project level
  • Developing conceptual frameworks, methodological approaches and designs for performance measurement of projects, programs, services, organizations/institutions, policies and initiatives
  • Developing performance measurement indicators/measures/benchmarks and tools and instruments for project, program, institutional, or policy monitoring, reviews, or on-going assessments
  • Providing performance measurement advice and support (for example support managers to identify, track and report on results throughout the life cycle of projects, programs, services, policies or initiatives), including providing training or information sessions to build capacity within the organization and assist program management with the establishment of an appropriate ongoing performance measurement system
  • Compiling, analyzing and/or interpreting performance data and preparing performance reports
  • Research performance measurement uses and practices in other jurisdictions (includes provincial and international jurisdictions).

person using MacBook Pro

Subject Matter

Some of the required services includes:

  • Providing orientation on their field of expertise to a range of target groups (for example program managers, evaluators, corporate planners) including details on key issues in the field and details on best practices in terms of performance measurement and evaluation in those fields
  • Advising on the design of new or adequacy of existing a) performance measurement frameworks in support of departmental Strategic Outcomes and Program Activity
  • Architectures or b) performance measurement strategies in support of program monitoring and evaluation, including identifying appropriate performance measures and related technical elements (for example performance metrics and targets, data sources, and frequencies for data collection) in accordance with Treasury Board policies and Treasury Board Secretariat guidance and directives
  • Advising on the capacities, skills and resources needed in federal organizations to create, implement and maintain on-going performance measurement systems at the level of the organization as a whole or at the program, initiative or project level
  • Advising on conceptual frameworks, methodological approaches and designs for performance measurement of and evaluation of projects, programs, services, organizations/institutions, policies and initiatives in those fields
  • Providing field-specific performance measurement advice (for example support managers to identify, track and report on results throughout the life cycle of projects, programs, services, policies or initiatives), including providing training or information sessions to build capacity within organization and assist program management with the collection and interpretation of performance measurement data
  • Analyzing and/or interpreting performance data and preparing performance reports
  • Researching field-specific performance measurement uses and practices in other jurisdictions (includes provincial and international jurisdictions)
  • Conducting comparative analysis and advising on best practices, including benchmarking performance, international comparisons and case studies
  • Providing subject-matter advice to assist in the:
  • Assessment of the readiness of a policy, program or initiative to be evaluated
  • Scoping and planning of specific evaluations or related studies of individual programs, policies or initiatives
  • Preparation of logic models, program theories, literature reviews or assessment tools
  • Constructing of work plans, including evaluation planning reports or frameworks and associated methodologies
  • Developing, testing and implementing of evaluation methods and data collection tools
  • Collection and analysis of relevant data (including socio-economic and statistical)
  • Assessment of relevance and performance, including impacts, efficiency and cost effectiveness of programs, policies or initiatives
  • Assessment of program governance and management (including assessing risk management and controls, decision-making, planning, development and implementation, transparency and accountability)
  • Developing evaluation reports containing findings, conclusions and recommendations, and undertake report validation and consultations where appropriate and requested.
  • Conducting and writing of synthesis or meta-evaluations.
  • Compilation, analysis and dissemination of findings, lessons learned and best practices
  • Briefing of program and senior management on major results and findings, including preparation of presentations
  • Development of other materials, documents, tools and instruments related to the work
  • Review of the components of evaluations such as primary and secondary data collection activities, surveys, special studies, literature or document reviews, applied statistical analysis and the development of background or analytical discussion papers on program theory and/or alternatives
  • Validating evaluation approaches, methodologies, findings, conclusions and recommendations, using methods such as (but not limited to) validation from a technical expert standpoint.
  • Participating on peer review or similar panels for evaluations or act as an third- party reviewer of draft evaluation products.
  • Advising on sensitivities in their specific fields (for example on working with groups of “at risk” stakeholders) and issues related to ethics and values related to performance measurement and evaluation.
  • Facilitating connection to other key experts in the field as required for performance measurement or evaluation purposes.

person using laptop


Some of the required services includes:

  • Encouraging group members to participate and interact productively and guide the group through an effective process
  • Facilitating strategic and operational planning
  • Facilitating team building sessions
  • Facilitating knowledge transfer, coaching and skills development
  • Utilizing tools and techniques to engage participation such as (but not limited to) brainstorming session, role playing, walk-thru
  • Facilitating large and small groups
  • Providing electronic facilitation services
  • Moderating group discussions
  • Stimulating a constructive and clear exchange of ideas among the members and promoting feedback
  • Redirecting group members to carry on with an interaction when tangents occur
  • Timekeeping to ensure that the planned agenda is completed prior to the end of the allotted time or in accordance with an agreed to modifications by the group
  • Guiding a group to consensus and desired outcomes
  • Planning and preparation of the session such as understanding the clients needs, predefine the approach and techniques to be used and develop event plan
  • Promoting group participation, mutual understanding and shared responsibilities among the group by fostering open participation with respect for client culture, norms and participant diversity
  • Providing end to end facilitation which may involve physical arrangements, delegating program committees, visual materials, defining the agenda, establishing goals, structure and strategy of the sessions, closeout activities
  • Draft and finalize reports on the results and conclusions of facilitated sessions and prepare and deliver presentations based on facilitated sessions such as lessons learned reports
  • Working with different levels of hierarchy within an organization on a national level


Tel: (+234) 802 320 0801, (+234) 807 576 5799


Office Address: 5, Ishola Bello Close, Iyalla Off Street, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

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